Email marketing strategies

Know the Best B2B Cold Email Templates: Tips, Strategies & Best Practices

Best B2B Cold Email Templates: Tips, Strategies & Best Practices

Cold emails are always the most effective strategy for generating B2B leads and sales. When done correctly, a well-crafted cold email lands directly in your target audience’s inbox and captures their attention to your product or service.

However, the problem lies in how you write these emails. Many b2b sales people still write cold emails like regular emails and this approach leads them to low response rates and missed opportunities. So, knowing the proper B2B cold email templates is necessary to get more leads for your business. 

In this blog, we are going to discuss those cold email templates that we’ve tested and proven to drive results in B2B sales. Also we will share the key tips and strategies to keep in mind when crafting your own.

What Is B2B Cold Email ?

B2B cold emails are emails sent to customers with whom you have no prior relationship. Their goal is to initiate a business connection. These types of emails can be a valuable tool for connecting with other businesses and moving them through your sales funnel.

Using cold emails can help you establish your brand in the B2B space. This lead generation method can result in long-lasting relationships. B2B cold emails can put you in front of the right people who are interested in your product or service. With the right strategy and tools, you can reach a large number of potential audiences through cold emails. Also, these B2B cold emails offer a high return on investment and can lead to long-term clients.

Key Components Of An Effective B2B Cold Email

Before writing b2b cold emails you have to take note of these key factors. These will help you create personalized value-driven emails that cuts through the noise and gives your email a separate uniqueness and gets more leads too. 

Key components of an effective B2B cold email

1. Always Write Catchy Subject Lines

Make sure you write the proper subject lines for your b2b cold emails. You have to prioritize your subject lines to capture attention, address specific problems, and offer value to recipients. Make it compelling, informative, and personalized for the target audience. 

Make your subject line short and to the point and make it under 60 characters. And always add a little curiosity in the subject lines so that people will be eager to open the b2b cold email. Include the targeted persons name, company or industry in the subject line that helps in building trust among them. 

2. Personalization

The next thing you need to keep in mind is to personalize the email for your target audience. This personalization is not only adding the recipient’s name but also addressing the specific pain points and showing that you have done your homework before reaching them. You have to avoid addressing the leads with generic terms or other sales email templates, you have to find the first name and use it. 

You can mention their company like mentioning a recent event, press release or other company achievement. Make sure you show them that you understand their industry challenges. Personalization shows you have taken the time to understand your prospect and you did research and that makes your b2b cold email more engaging. 

3. Short Paragraphs And Sentence

Did you ever notice that we all read content only the needful part? We didn’t waste our time reading the entire content. If you are someone who reads complete content, that’s good for you, but many people are not like that. 

So when writing b2b cold emails always remember to write short paragraphs  for your audience. You can add relevant information within the 2 – 3 sentence paragraphs with simple sentences. 

4. Call To Action

A strong call to action is important in a b2b cold email that makes the conversation move forward. This CTA makes it clear for the recipient what to do next and easy for them to respond. Don’t use vague languages in your CTA and give them options, and don’t ask too much from them. A single CTA is fine for a b2b cold email and stick to make it clear.

5. Proof & Social Credibility

You can provide proof and social credibility in your b2b cold email outreach as to getting a good response. mention past success, customer testimonials or case studies to demonstrate the value you have delivered for others. 

  • You can mention a relevant success story
  • Try to use industry-specific examples
  • Include stats or results

6. Follow Up Strategy

Here’s a surprising stat: 80% of sales require at least five follow-ups, but 44% of salespeople give up after just one attempt.  So, following up is important in a b2b cold email strategy.

  • You can send follow-up emails every 3-5 days and slowly increase the urgency.
  • Don’t repeat your original message. Remind them of your initial value proposition and ask if they have had a chance to review it.
  • You can add value to each follow-up email. Also, share new insights, relevant industry reports, or solutions to specific problems they might face.

Proven B2B Cold Email Templates For Different Use Cases

Now that you understand the key components of an effective B2B cold email, let’s put it into practice with some proven templates. These examples are tailored to various use cases, from lead generation to re-engagement, and will help you get started right away.

1. Lead Generation Email: Short Email to Generate New Leads

The goal of this email is to introduce your product or service to a prospect in a clear and concise way. Focus on the value you provide rather than selling right off the bat.

Subject: Quick way to help [Company] achieve [goal]


Hi [First Name],

I’ve been following [Company] and noticed that [mention a relevant pain point or opportunity]. We help businesses like yours [briefly describe how your product solves that issue].

For example, we recently helped [client name] increase [specific metric] by [result]. I believe we can do the same for you.

Would you be open to a quick call next week to explore how we can support [Company]?

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Why it works:
This email is direct, highlights the value, and offers social proof with a clear call to action. It respects the prospect’s time and focuses on their needs.

2. Follow-Up Email: After No Response

Don’t get discouraged if you don’t hear back from your initial email. A polite follow-up can often do the trick. Keep it short, and friendly, and remind them of the value you offer.

Subject: Just following up—any thoughts?


Hi [First Name],

I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to check back in to see if you had a chance to review my previous email.

As a reminder, we help businesses like [Company] with [problems], and I’d love to show how we can do the same for you.

If you’re open to it, are you available for a quick chat this week or next?

Looking forward to hearing from you,
[Your Name]

Why it works:
This follow-up is low-pressure but keeps the conversation going. It politely reminds the prospect of the initial value without pushing too hard.

3. Networking Email: Building Rapport Without Directly Selling

If your goal is to build a relationship rather than sell immediately, this email establishes rapport by showing genuine interest in their work.

Subject: Loved your recent post on [topic]


Hi [First Name],

I came across your post on [LinkedIn, blog, etc.] about [specific topic], and I found it really insightful. I especially liked your point on [key takeaway].

I’d love to connect and learn more about your perspective on [related topic]—it’s always great to network with others in [industry].

Would you be open to a quick virtual coffee sometime?

[Your Name]

Why it works:
This email doesn’t try to sell anything. Instead, it focuses on relationship-building, which can naturally lead to future business opportunities.

4. Re-engagement Email: Reaching Out to Cold Leads or Past Customers

When dealing with leads who have gone cold or past customers who haven’t interacted in a while, it’s important to reignite interest by showing new value.

Subject: Is [Company] still looking to [solve problem]?


Hi [First Name],

It’s been a while since we last connected! I wanted to reach out to see if [Company] is still looking to improve [specific problem].

Since we last spoke, we’ve made some great strides in helping companies like yours achieve [specific results], and I think we can add value to [Company] as well.

Would you be interested in revisiting this conversation?

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Why it works:
This email reopens the conversation by focusing on the prospect’s pain points and offering updated value, which can re-engage them.

5. Product Demo Email: Requesting a Meeting for a Demo or Showcasing Features

This email is perfect when you want to introduce your product and invite the prospect to see it in action.

Subject: Let’s schedule a quick demo to boost [goal]


Hi [First Name],

I’d love to show you how [Product Name] can help [Company] achieve [specific goal]. Our tool has helped similar businesses [mention a success story or result].

Would you be available for a quick demo next week? I can show you exactly how it works and how it could benefit your team.

Looking forward to your response!

[Your Name]

Why it works:
This email highlights the value of the demo and presents it as a way for the prospect to achieve specific goals. It’s low-pressure but effective in securing a meeting.

Cold Email Strategies for Higher Response Rates

When you are creating a b2b cold email, you can make that better by using some of these strategies. 

1. AIDA Framework (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action)

AIDA framework (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action)

The AIDA framework is a classic sales framework that’s still incredibly effective for cold emails. This framework will walk the recipient through a natural progression. It will go from awareness of a problem to the motivation to act, all within a single email. It’s a simple strategy but a highly effective structure in b2b cold email.

 It helps in breaking down your message into four key elements:

  • Attention: Grab your recipient’s attention with a compelling subject line or opening sentence. Be relevant and pique their curiosity right away.
  • Interest: Keep them engaged by explaining how your solution directly addresses their problem or need.
  • Desire: Build desire by showing the tangible benefits they can expect or how your product has solved similar problems for other clients.
  • Action: End with a clear call to action (CTA) that nudges them to take the next step.

2. PAS Formula ( Problem, Agitate, Solution)

PAS Formula (Problem, agitate, solution)

The PAS framework is all about creating urgency by highlighting the pain points your prospect is facing, then presenting your product as the solution. PAS creates a sense of urgency by focusing on the pain the prospect is feeling. This motivates the target audience to seek a solution and fast.

  • Problem: You can start by clearly identifying a problem your prospect is likely dealing with.
  • Agitate: Then make the problem feel urgent by pointing out the consequences of not solving it.
  • Solution: Now you can offer your product or service as the solution to the audience’s problem.

3. BAB Formula (Before-After-Bridge)

BAB framework (Before After Bridge)

The BAB framework is all about painting a picture of transformation. It’s simple, and it will show the prospects where they are now and where they could be.  This formula taps into the recipient’s desire for improvement. By showing them the transformation they could experience, you create a clear path from their problem to the solution.

  • Before: Describe their current situation (the problem or status quo).
  • After: Show the ideal future they could have if this problem were solved.
  • Bridge: Position your solution as the bridge that gets them from before to after.

4. Storytelling

Storytelling in cold emails

Storytelling is one of the most effective ways to connect with your prospect. Rather than focusing on facts and figures, storytelling draws your recipient into a narrative that engages their emotions and makes your message more memorable. Any story engages people on an emotional level. They’re more memorable and help prospects see themselves in the same success story. It creates a connection beyond just the logic of your offer.

Here’s how you can use storytelling in a cold email:

  • Hook: Start your b2b cold email with a hooking open line
  • Start with a relatable problem: Begin by telling a short, relevant story about a client or a company that faced a similar challenge as your prospect.
  • Show the struggle: Briefly describe how the problem affected your Client, making it feel relatable and real.
  • Provide the solution: Transition into how your solution helped them overcome that struggle.
  • End with a CTA: Just like a good story has a resolution, your email should end with a clear call to action.

Hiring A B2B Cold Email Outreach Agency is the premier cold email outreach agency for B2B SaaS companies. Our team of experts crafts high-performing cold emails that generate leads and sales. With years of experience, they become a solution-oriented partner in email marketing, helping targeted audiences understand how they can solve their business problems. has a proven track record of success in cold email outreach campaigns. The team personalized messages for maximum impact and employs a proper email outreach process designed to achieve your lead generation goals.


  • Needs Analysis: The email marketing service starts by understanding clients specific needs and audience knowledge.
  • Email Infrastructure Setup: Handle secondary domain acquisition, outreach tool setup, and email warmup to ensure deliverability.
  • Verified Database Building: Make a verified email list to maximize the reach of your campaigns.
  • Personalized B2B Cold Email Campaigns: Next step is creating personalized b2b cold emails that resonate with your target audience.
  • Qualified Meetings: Secure meetings with qualified leads who are genuinely interested in your offering.
  • Closing Deals: We provide support throughout the sales funnel, ultimately assisting you in closing deals. offers a comprehensive suite of B2B email marketing services, including:

  • Email automation setup
  • Done-for-you cold email outreach campaigns
  • Monthly email newsletters
  • A/B testing for email optimization
  • Email copywriting services
  • Strategic email marketing planning
  • Email audit and analysis


Throughout this guide, we’ve shown you how to structure your emails, personalize them for maximum engagement, and use different templates for various use cases. 

No single email template works for everyone, so test different approaches, tweak your subject lines, and adjust your calls to action until you find the perfect formula for your audience. Remember, whether you’re generating leads, following up, or re-engaging cold prospects, these strategies can turn your cold emails into powerful tools that build relationships and drive sales.

If you can’t do this all by yourself or don’t have the time for all this. You can easily approach a b2b saas cold email outreach agency for freeing up the hassle. They will handle all the process from start to finish as you will get a professional approach all the time. 

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