Content Marketing Service

Need Help with SEO Focused Content for SaaS? Here’s Your Go-To Guide

How to Write SEO-Focused Content for Your SaaS Business

Ever wondered why some SaaS businesses seem to just magically attract customers while others struggle to get noticed? The answer might be simpler than you think: “They Employ SEO-Focused Content for SaaS Business Marketing“. 🎩✨

Think of SEO as your business’s best friend – it’s the silent wingman that gets your brand noticed in the crowded bar that is the internet. 

Just to give you an idea of its importance, according to a survey by CMI, content marketing produces three times more leads compared to traditional outbound marketing. And the best part is, it costs 62% less!

Creating SEO-focused content for your SaaS business can skyrocket your search engine rankings, drive waves of organic traffic, and turn casual visitors into raving fans (and paying customers!). But, and it’s a big but, you have to know how to do it right.
We’ve got the ultimate guide for you here. Get ready to dive into the powerful and effective SEO focused content marketing.

Reasons to use content marketing

Importance of having SEO-focused content for your SaaS business

“Content marketing is the new advertising.”
– David Meerman Scott

 Importance of having SEO-focused content

1. Exponentially scale up your business

Investing in SEO can multiply your monthly organic traffic. Since this process pushes your site to the top of SERPs, you can gain the trust of your target audience. Apart from building trust, it also helps boost authority and brand awareness, resulting in a high conversion rate.

Your SEO efforts will significantly increase your ROI (Return on Investment). The more SEO-focused content you create, the higher your visibility. This can have a cascading effect on your SaaS business.

2. Reduce cost per acquisition

Customer acquisition is the process of gaining new leads or customers for your Saas business. There are many proven methods to reach your customers and grab their attention. One of them is investing in a solid content marketing strategy for your SaaS business.

As you gain more visibility in the digital landscape, you will get more visitors to your site, which can yield conversions. The scope of SEO focused content for SaaS business goes beyond other marketing strategies like running PPC ads. Achieving the right balance between keyword coverage and content marketing can bring quality leads to leverage your SaaS business.

Looking to build a cost effective marketing strategy? Read the blog on Grow your SaaS Startup With Zero Marketing Budget In 2023

3. Boost your credibility through organic search

All the activities of SEO are focused on boosting your ranking on SERPs. It is known that websites that perform well on search engine result pages are considered trustworthy.

Find the keywords that your target audience uses in search engine queries and rank higher for the same. SEO-centric content can be your key to unlocking a new set of audiences and retaining existing customers.

It will also help you reach out to more people interested in your B2B SaaS product regardless of their place in the sales funnel.

4. Get a competitive advantage

When you invest more and follow good B2B SaaS SEO practices, you can beat your competitor in the SERPs ladder and win a better market share in your niche. You become an authority when you provide valuable content that solves user queries.

Google’s #1 philosophy is  “Focus on the user and all else will follow”. 

Give advice, tips, and tricks to educate your target audience on how your SaaS product can help solve their pain points.

5. Improves user experience

Both users and search engines love a website that is quick, user-friendly, easily navigable, and well-optimized with SEO. An SEO-optimized page increases your engagement rate and session duration. When you frequently overhaul your SEO, you can improve your engagement rate and hold a firm position in SERPs.

Your website architecture, engagement rate and page responsiveness are a few factors that will enhance your site’s usability. Post quality content that is user-centric and optimized for SEO.

6. Improve your local search ranking

According to a consumer insights report from Google titled “Mobile’s Growing Role in a Shopper’s Purchase Decision” 76% of smartphone users who conduct local searches visit a business within 24 hours, and 28% of those searches lead to a purchase.

Local SEO is a strategy to increase your business’s popularity in a specific geographic location.

Adding a GMB profile and location to your pages, publishing city pages and optimizing online directories and citations can help you get higher ranks in local searching. Include ratings to gain the trust of your audience.

How Can You Optimize Content for SaaS SEO?

Optimizing your content for SEO is a process of making your content to be more visible on result pages. It needs intensive keyword research and identifying the gap in keywords and content. The challenge is that the results are not always apparent, so you need more patience. 

Here we have provided some simple techniques you could implement on your website.

Optimize Content

1. Have SEO friendly URLs

The URL is the address to your web pages and tells Google what the particular page is up to. They act as the link between your content and the user. Your website’s URLs can serve as a cornerstone when optimized. Clean URLs are easier to share, perform better in searches, and are more reliable. 

Use logical keywords, keep it short and simple, use the HTTPS protocol, use lowercase letters, use hyphens between words and hide the www prefix in your URL.

2. Optimize the images

No one wants to read text-heavy content. Adding images and visual elements to your page will make it more interactive. But it is essential to optimize each image you use for SEO.

Using SEO-optimized images will help to improve user engagement. Use unique images and compress their size, so the page load time is not elapsed. Use alt text, image captions, and include keywords in the image title.

3. Use schema markup

A search engine’s algorithm assists in the best possible way to spot relevant content for a particular user query. Adding schema will help search engines for crawling and locate your content for a relevant query.

Approximately only one-third of the websites available use schemas to better present their content. Incorporating schemas into your SaaS website will give you a competitive advantage. It allows you to optimize your content for rich snippets, ultimately bringing your page to the top result.

4. Include keywords in your title and meta tags

The title and meta tags are what users see on the SERPs while performing search queries. Enriching your title and meta description with keywords can potentially yield clicks and push your SaaS site higher on the SERPs ladder.

You can gain much attention when you use keywords that the user in your title tag is searching for. Use a unique title and meta tag that tell users what they can find on that particular page. 

5. Make it mobile friendly

Having a mobile-friendly website has become a new norm for every website.  Mobile-friendly websites are capable of outranking those which are not. It amplifies the accessibility of your SaaS website. 

Statcounter’s report shows 61.52% of internet traffic today comes from mobile devices. You will likely lose your potential customers if your site is not optimized for mobile users. A mobile-friendly website will enhance the user engagement rate and give an advantage in the search engine. 

Optimize the web page’s design, increase site speed, implement a mobile responsive layout, avoid too many pop-ups and run tests for mobile and desktop versions of your SaaS site.

6. Include internal and external linking

Internal linking is the practice of hyperlinking your website with URLs of the same domain. It allows the search engine to understand the structure of your site. Navigating your visitors to relevant sub-page or blog pages will reduce your bounce rate and enhance user experience. 

External linking is providing links to other authoritative sites on your web pages. It can be added to cite a source, a proof for statistical data, or add more information. When you include links to other credible sites, Google considers your page trustworthy and helps your page get higher rankings.  

An 8 Step Content Marketing And SaaS SEO Strategy For Your Business

We have created a content marketing strategy for your SaaS business and best SEO practices to make your way easier. Follow the steps below and realize your goals.

8-Step Content Marketing And SEO Strategy

1. Start With Competitor Analysis

The best way to start your SEO journey is by understanding what your competitors are up to. It is a process of spectating your competitors to understand their keywords and strategies. It is a reverse engineering approach that saves you time in conducting experiments.

The competitor analysis will reveal the missing elements of your site or flaws in your content marketing and SEO strategy. You can get an insight into the strategies that are working for others. 

When you adopt it after improvising their methods, you can easily get an edge over your competitors. Identify your true SEO competitors, find the keywords they target, perform competitor backlink analysis and start optimizing your techniques.

2. Define your buyer’s personas

A buyer’s persona is an imaginary character and an ideal user of your product or service. Creating it will help you better understand your target audience. Planning a content marketing framework to solve the pain points your buyer personas encounter will help you acquire new leads and customers.

The more accurate your personas are, the more targeted you can build an SEO strategy. It lays the foundation for keyword mapping and content marketing. Fine-tuning your market strategy based on the buyer’s persona can yield the best results.

Collaborate with other internal teams and collect as much data as possible about your existing users. For creating a persona, get feedback, conduct surveys, brainstorm with your peers, and interview users to understand what pulled them towards your brand.

3. Build a keyword strategy

No matter how good your content is, Google’s crawler cannot understand what the content is about without keywords. Creating a strong keyword strategy is very much essential to improve SEO. 

Keywords are essential not only for seeding in your text content. Your meta tags, title tags, URL, and many website elements need keywords.

To create SEO-centric content, you must include the following four types of keywords in your strategy. You should consider writing content around these keywords, targeting your customers according to the stage of the buyer’s journey.

  • Informational keywords: These are keywords that users use when they need info on a particular topic.
  • Transactional keywords: These keywords indicate a user’s intent to complete a transaction/purchase/take action on your website. These keywords have a high potential to drive your sales.
  • Commercial Keywords: These keywords are used by users when searching for details about a particular product or service.
  • Navigational Keywords: These keywords suggest that the users’ intention  is to navigate to a certain page. Such keywords may include  product names, service names or words such as near me, directions to, prices, cost of, etc.

4. Churn Out Better Content Than Your Competitors

You cannot get a market share by just doing the same as your competitor. You need to beat them with your content to get a competitive advantage.

SaaS business is all about surpassing your competitors. Go deep into your competitor’s pages and understand what could improve their content. Start implementing your findings on your site, and you will see the results.

5. Don’t Overlook Technical SEO

Search engines love unique and high-quality content. But if your site encounters an unexpected technical issue that impacts user experience, you cannot get web traffic. So don’t ignore the technical SEO optimization.

Also, read the technical SEO checklist for a detailed guide.

6. Build A Backlinking Strategy

It is a proven strategy to get higher rankings and can significantly help in inbound marketing. Without backlinks, your site will struggle to climb up the SERPs ladder. 

Do guest posting, and publish infographics and other assets that others can use. The most effective link-building technique will establish you as an authority and places you in front of your target audience while driving referral traffic.

7. Conduct Regular SEO Audits

The importance of SaaS SEO audits cannot be ignored. An SEO audit will reveal the flaws in your strategy and help you find what works best for you. It will discover your broken links, loading time, duplicate content, and many other factors that impact your ranking.

With Google’s ever-changing algorithms, only an SEO audit can help you align your site with its updates.

8. Constantly update outdated pages

Google holds more than 84.08% of the global search market and is always updating its algorithms to provide users with useful and high-quality results. Ultimately, these modifications can cause your page rank to decline. Because, over time, customers’ needs change, and the target keywords you initially selected to boost search ranks may no longer be applicable.

Refreshing your outdated content and low-performing pages with a new set of keywords or fresh content can significantly improve your SEO performance. 

If you want to find the pages in your SaaS website that need optimization, use SuiteJar content optimizer. It can identify the pages that have the most potential to rank on the 1st page of Google within minutes and you can update them accordingly. You can also schedule content calendar tasks for revamping based on the insights provided by the feature.

Choose the Right SaaS SEO Content Marketing Experts

While framing your B2B SaaS content marketing strategy, it is important to consider your sales funnel. The ultimate goal of your SaaS website is to educate your audience,  generate leads, and expand your business. 

Focus on creating high-quality SEO-focused content that addresses your users’ pain points. Provide solutions to user queries and show how your product can make their job easier. 

Never hesitate to interact with your users to know their needs and get constructive feedback. This will help streamline your B2B content marketing and SEO strategy for your SaaS business.

Reach out to us at  to create a high-quality B2B content marketing strategy backed by our unique and proven SaaS SEO services. Our team of SaaS startup experts are ready to help you in your SaaS growth journey, so contact us to start driving your MQLs, SQLs, and MRR. As a trusted SaaS SEO agency, we’ve helped countless SaaS brands boost their digital presence and achieve real results with proper content strategies. 

Still confused, you can contact experts who specialize in content marketing for SaaS businesses. Check out our list of top 10 B2B SaaS content marketing agencies in 2024. CTA


To optimize your content for SEO, use the right keywords, write catchy meta tags, create engaging and high-quality material, and organize it well with clear headings and helpful internal links.

The best content for SEO is informative, original, and relevant to your target audience, often including blogs, how-to guides, and detailed articles that answer common questions.