mlnetworks - Growth.CX

ABM & Event Marketing

How helped MLnetworks with our ABM & Event Marketing Service



Remarkable open rates with our personalized email strategy.


Qualified appointments booked within an event


Generated a total of 17 replies from potential leads from the campaign

About MLnetworks

MLNetworks specializes in AI-powered telco transformation. They assist telecommunications companies like yours in designing, operating, and optimizing networks intelligently through their end-to-end data platform. Their products include Smart Capex, Smart Opex, and Smart Insights, each aimed at improving different facets of network management.

Business Type :

Technology and software

Industry :

Telecommunications industry.

Offices :

Saudi Arabia

Challenges they faced

  • They need more high-quality leads and need to schedule appointments with potential clients.
  • They need more high-quality leads and need to schedule appointments with potential clients.

Our strategy & execution

Leveraging Event Registration Data

  • We strategically analyzed event registration data from Futurenet Dubai to identify potential leads.

Personalized Email Campaign 

  • Highly personalized emails were created for each lead, highlighting their unique needs and demonstrating how MLNetworks' solutions could effectively address them.

Strategic Follow-up Sequence 

  • A well-planned follow-up sequence was implemented, consisting of 3-5 personalized emails sent over a week. This approach aimed to maximize open rates and promote more in-depth engagement with the leads.

LinkedIn Outreach 

  • Personalized connections were initiated on LinkedIn to boost relationships with the identified leads further, complementing the email campaign with direct engagement and interaction.

Tools Used

  • SalesHandy
  • HubSpot
  • Linkedln Sales Navigator


  • Cold email
  • Cold emailing & newsletter
  • Linkedln

End Result

Increased Open Rates :

The personalized email strategy achieved a remarkable open rate of 60%, beating industry benchmarks and demonstrating strong engagement from recipients.

Appointments Secured :

Within a single week, we successfully scheduled 8 qualified appointments for MLnetworks with prospective clients who attended Futurenet Dubai. This fast conversion highlights the effectiveness of the personalized B2B event marketing strategy.

Increased Engagement :

The campaign generated a total of 17 replies from potential leads, indicating a high level of interest and engagement. This response also validates the relevance and impact of MLNetworks' targeted approach in capturing the attention of its target audience.

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