abm-retable - Growth.CX

ABM CaseStudy

How did growth.cx enable Retable to achieve 96% open rates and 5 to 10 responses per outreach campaign?



Increased open rate per outreach campaign


Qualified demo bookings secured monthly

About Retable

Retable is a B2B company in the UK specializing in work management and online spreadsheet solutions. Its design facilitates the organization of spreadsheets, keeping company data, customer information, and workflow in one place. This design enhances workflow efficiency, project management, and data organization for businesses and individuals.

Business Type :

B2B SaaS

Industry :

Software & Technology

Ideal Customer Profile Regions :

USA, UK and Europe

Offices :


Challenges they faced

  • The company needed to increase the number of qualified leads for their demo calls.
  • Their geographical focus on the USA, UK, and Europe
  • Also, need to attract and engage high-quality prospects who are likely to benefit from Retable's solutions.

Our strategy & execution

Our ABM marketing team implemented a personalized email outreach campaign for retable with a multi-channel approach to engage their target audience effectively.

Targeted Emails :

  • Sent initial emails directly to key decision-makers in the USA, UK, and Europe.
  • Customized the content to address specific pain points and needs relevant to each recipient's industry and role.
  • We followed up with up to 12 personalized emails for each recipient.
  • Also ensured follow-ups were timely and tailored, keeping the conversation relevant and engaging. Used the insights to refine follow-up content based on recipient responses and interactions.

Informative Newsletters : 

  • Integrated newsletters into the outreach strategy with valuable content, such as industry insights, product updates, and success stories.
  • Maintained ongoing engagement and nurtured leads through consistent, informative communication.

Tools Used

  • Apollo.io
  • MailJet


  •  Cold email
  •  Used for Newsletter

End Result

Open Rate Explosion:

Retable's email outreach campaign achieved an impressive 96% open rate, indicating a high level of engagement from its target audience.

Demo Bookings Surge:

  • The personalized email outreach strategy, along with follow-up touches, resulted in a significant increase in demo bookings.
  • Retable secured 10-15 qualified demos per month, demonstrating the effectiveness of their approach.

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